
  • 时间:2023-01-11
  • 大清铜币鄂字版户部造我国货币渊源,历代钱币



    of E-type of Coins in

    Our has a long of money, and the coins of past are . There are 10,000 kinds of coins that can be . They are in the of world coins. From the shape, , and font size of coins, it the of of , art and and in . Coins are not only the media of value and , but also the vein of and . Their , shape and have the of . They have value and many to them at all costs.



    coins of the Qing , the name of the Qing , began in 1900 (26 years of in Qing ) and ended in 1911 (three years of ). time is only more than ten years, in its , there were 17 and 20 all over the to start round. The ten cast by the 20 of 17 are and have . There are of just by .




    In Qing , there were many types of , the . for the of the , the cast by local are all with the names on the front. There are: 1, of ; 2, Zhi; 3, Ji; 4, Feng; 5, Bian; 6, Hubei; 7, Hunan; 8, ; 9, Yun; 10, ; 11, and ; 12, ; 13, ; 14, ; 15, ; 16, ; 17, Anhui; 18, East; 19, . If by , its is more than 1000. , so it is rare that it can be today. , coin are most happy to the "Big Qing coins" of the top ten coins.


    In the front of the Pearl ring, the four of " coin" are . In the , there is a small word "E". The value of the coin on the outer and lower edges of the pearl ring is "ten words when money". In the left and right of the Pearl ring, there are two of "" and "Hubu" in the . The font is and . On the back, there is a of , the year of . The is still as good as the knife , the is , and the body is , and it is set off by the sea of , and awe-. The coin purse is thick and , , , and . It is a coin and worth .


    As the by the Qing , the coin of the Qing an role in media at that time. As an tool for or , coin not only has a wider use value, but also shows a high value and value over time. It is the of many coin and , and shows a good value.


    This has a high value. If you want to buy it, us.

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