
  • 时间:2023-12-18
  • 嘉德秋拍预览|清江光绪元宝错版重:7.1g


    清江光绪元宝错版币 重:7.1g


    With 's of the coin , the coin craze has risen, have a wide range of in the of coins. Due to the of time and the of , the coins also lost, , and the coins have a non- . , after of , when the and value of the coin , the money by the money is in the .


    Even in with , the is not at all. The and the group have more , and in their ideas. They are more of the of the . Under the of rare and rare, they pay more to the of the , the value and the value of the . The coin has many of the sky, thus great to .


    In times, Pu was the hub of water North and south. It was known as "north and South's , and the key to ." Every year, as many as six are to the north by Pu. is also sold to 41 and in Anhui and Henan, and the bank to 270,000. It about the of Qian .

    In the of , there were ten big banks, such as , Chong De, Qing Sheng, law , , Yutai, , and Sheng Sheng, with a total of -seven and six yuan and one and -seven yuan in , and four were Gong Ji, Tong Ren, Yi Yong and Xiang Xiang. The of needs metal to in . , the of coin in Pu is the of the times.


    years (1904) in April, by the of , the Lu Yuan Ding, in Pu set up the , the in the Puli canal north bank of , more than 40 mu. The has 320 kinds of , 132 , 7 sized , 6 steam , 12 , 13 , 10 and 77 .

    The and were from , which can more than 2 yuan per day. After the of the of the water , he wrote the ten coin of " " in the -one year of . In the -two year of , to the of rules, it was to the "Huai" of the . -two years in July, . Then it came back to the .


    清江光绪元宝错版币 重:7.1g


    The wrong of the coin is not , the coin must go , the of error is one in a to one in ten . The that the is few, new and , which is the rare and thing that has a very high . The key to the value of this kind of is the key. In July of -two, the was and into the mint, so the are rare.

    清未铜元只冠地名而无省名者,唯清江铜元也!我们今天看到的这枚清江光绪元宝还是错版币,背后龙头旋转180度,恐怕世间仅此一枚,收藏价值极高。正面中央为“光绪元宝”四字,外环珠圈,上缘满文“光绪元宝”,下缘“当制钱十文”光绪元宝江南甲辰十文错版币,两侧边缘分列“清江”两字;背面中央为飞龙图及珠圈,上缘英文纪地“TSING-KIANG”,下缘英文纪值“TEN CASH”,两侧分列花星。

    The is not only a place name but also a coin. The Yuan Bao we see today is still a . The 180 it. I'm it's the only one in the world. It's worth . The front is the four word " ", the outer ring bead , the upper edge " ", the lower edge "when money ten", the two sides are into ""; the back is the map and the bead , the upper of the "TSING-KIANG", the lower edge value "TEN CASH", the two sides star.


    清江光绪元宝错版币 重:7.1g


    , made in , has ten and rich . It is rare and rare. The coin is the ocean , the most , the most of the , the and , the of the line is very clear, the word mouth, lines and edge teeth deep, .

    The of can be seen on the front side of the coin, while Qian Bei the of . Such a small coin can also be seen as a of the and . In , this coin is a wrong , the and dough , its sex . The wrong can not be in the as money. The Qing and the . The 180 it. I'm there is only one in the world, so it is even more .

    小编从英国罗斯柴尔德拍卖行驻大陆办事处亿缘文化了解到,我们今天看到的这枚珍稀的清江光绪元宝错版币将参加英国罗斯柴尔德拍卖行新加坡拍卖会,这正是我们零距离接触这枚珍稀错版币的好时机。登录:/ 或者 英国罗斯柴尔德拍卖官网了解更多信息。

    The rare of wrong , the rare of , will take part in the of the house in . This is a good time for us to this rare, rare and wrong . Login: / or for more .

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